The Limit of Reason: (Or on way dignity is not negotiable)
الزيارات: 2396
Israel as Foreign State: The Arabs Intellectual Dynamics. Oxford lectures 1
الزيارات: 2317
Israel as Foreign State: The Palestinians Political Dynamics. Oxford lectures 2
الزيارات: 2182
Singularity and Plurality in Identity: The Case of Palestinian Prisoner
الزيارات: 2257
Justice as Harmony and Justice as Fairness
الزيارات: 2426
On the relevance of philosophy in the arab world today. Shlomo Pines lecture series, The academy of arts
الزيارات: 2209
The Limit of Reason (or Why Dignity Is Not Negotiable)? APA newsletters, Volume 04 Number
الزيارات: 2289
Al-Aqsa: A Muslim's view, Keynote at the Marking the Sacred: The Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem, Providence College, Rhode Island
الزيارات: 2218
Ideals and Interests: the Case of the Arab Transportation network in East Jerusalem, The 19 th B.N.Ganguli Memorial Lecture at The Center for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi
الزيارات: 1991
Is Jerusalem ever, or never to be shared?, Delivered at the IAJLJ Annual Congress, Jerusalem
الزيارات: 2202